
Traduit de :

The history of viticulture and wine is a prime avenue for understanding the social, cultural, political, and economic history of geographic territories at various scales of time and place. This history often benefits from abundant sources and numerous studies, but it also plays a role in discourses building representations that depart from critical and scientific analysis. The journal Crescentis seeks to address this dual observation by publishing exacting research and novel contributions relating to the history, in the broadest sense, of viticulture and wine, without excluding any sources (textual, graphic, material), geographic areas, or chronological periods (since the Neolithic).

Each issue has several sections:

  • Articles: spontaneously suggested by one or more author(s).

  • Thematic dossier: proposed by the coordinator, who ensures that the submitted manuscripts are consistent and rigorous (e.g., publication for one-day research events, conferences, etc.).

  • One document, one trace: description of an archive or object (or other source) to contextualise it all while highlighting its broader meaning for the history of viticulture and wine.

  • Detox unit: critical analysis of a mythified history of a practice, product, or use.

  • Recensions: critical accounts of recently published works.

The journal is supported by the Maison des sciences sociales et des humanités de Dijon (UAR3516 CNRS-UBE) and by UMR6298 ARTEHIS (CNRS-French Ministry of Culture-UBE).

The following entities supported our launch: Region of Bourgogne Franche-Comté, FEDER-Europe, UNESCO Chair of “Culture and Traditions of Wine”, Georges Chevrier Centre, Association of Climate/World Heritage, Bourgogne Viticulture and Wine Centre, and Champagne-Bourgogne Credit Agricole bank.

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